15. junija 2016

Unior Tools Team riders in new video from new trail in Krvavec bike park as preview of Sunday’s Enduro Krvavec 4Fun.
What could get us warmed up for Sunday’s Enduro Krvavec, part of SloEnduro 4Fun series, better than this new video by Unior Tools Team!?

No, Žiga Pandur didn’t make a miraculous recovery from the injuries he sustained in Scotland, Klemen Humar shot this video with him and Jure Žabjek in May at the opening of new Pussycat trail in Bike park Krvavec.

On Sunday Enduro Krvavec will be held on Pussycat from noon to 4pm. Pre-registration until tomorrow, Thursday. More info on Enduro Krvavec on sloenduro.com

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