27. januarja 2016

Chef Tanko plus Vreček and the gang in Whistler, Delnice snow race twice, Cec keeps commenting, Roks leftovers, Vipava CX and Vrhovška gora.
Gordon? Jamie? Anthony? No, no! Primož Tanko cooking in Whistler!

Vreček and the gang. Greetings from Whistler.


Prva biciklistička snježna utrka u Delnicama prošla je izvrsno. Pokazala je da se bicikl može voziti u svim uvjetima i da nema lošeg vremena ni loše podloge, samo loše opreme.

Objavil/a DNEVNIK.hr dne 24. januar 2016

First edition of Delnice snow race on Croatian TV news.

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Delnice snow race as seen by Team ZGodni.

Roks put his 2014/15 leftovers on Pinkbike. Bike, snow, surf, longboard.

Cec comments, part two. Also see his wilderness video here.

Vipava, the final cyclocross race of the season.

Singletracks down Vrhovška gora.

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