Slovenian cross-country series with 6 international UCI races plus National Championships and four under new name SloX4fun.
Fresh out on the web is the calnedar for 2017 Slovenian cross-country series which has been known as SloXcup since last year. This year it united 11 events. One of the is the National Championships race at Črni Vrh nad Idrijo on July 16th. Since the kick-off at Griči on April 17th and Lost sheep in Grožnjan, Croatia on August 26th there are six international races, two of them ranked as UCI Class 1 – Kamnik and Samobor. Grožnjan and Samobor are the two races held across the border in Croatia.
The races in Kočevje, Završnica, Griči, Grožnjan and the National Championships are also bringing UCI points to junior categories. Same as last year, non-Slovenian riders will also be ranked in SloXcup.
There are four more events in the calendar under the new name of SloX4fun. It is a series formerly know as Junior Cup but now the organizers also have the right to hold races for other categories. But these will only get awarded 50% of the SloXcup points. Thus the new XC Planica race will be holding races for all categories.
SloXcup points sistem remaines unchanged with one scratch result for each rider.
SloXcup 2017
April 17 – XC Griči – SloXcup 1, C2
April 23 – XCO Kamnik – SloXcup 2, C1
April 29 – XCO Završnica – SloXcup 3, C2
June 3 – XC Kočevje – SloXcup 4, C2
June 18 – XCO Samobor (Cro), SloXcup 5, C1
July 16 – XC Črni Vrh – SloXcup 6, DP
August 26 – XCO Izgubljena ovca, Grožnjan (Cro) – SloXcup 7, C2
July 23 – XC Leše – SloX4fun, junior
September 3 – XC Planica – SloX4fun, all cat.
September 9 – XC Ravne – SloX4fun, junior
October 1 – XC Energija Mengeš – SloX4fun, junior