You can’t find mountain bike videos much older than this one in Slovenia. This was the first season of Slovenia Cup.
Vrhnika leta 93. Downhill in crosscountry tekmovanji z gorskimi kolesi, ko so na spustu vsa reševalna vozila na poti na urgenco ;-). Aljoša Potrebuješ, Klemen Popit, Robert Mele, Andrej DeKleva, Miša Stržinar, Sandi Gabrovšek, in še marsikdo se bo našel. Upoštevajte le, da je posnetek star skoraj 23 let ;-). Zanimivo, vredno ogleda…
Objavil/a Zavas Futsal dne 26. januar 2016
You can’t find mountain bike videos much older than this one in Slovenia. This was the second season of downhill racing in Slovenia. The Vrhnika races were part of the first Slovenia Cup season.
The DH race was a two-run, best-counts format. As the legend goes in the end only the first run counted because the second one was stopped and cancelled after a series of hard crashes.